Song: Imagine Dragons - Demons
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Song: Imagine Dragons - Demons

by: Michael
Song: Imagine Dragons - Demons

English language test. Test for learners who have English level A2-B1. This test will help the learner to perceive words by ear, since one of the main tasks is to listen to a song and then pass tests. After passing the test, the learner will be able to check the correct understanding of the words and the essence of the song. The task is based on the popular song Imagine Dragons - Demons. The video is taken from the official channel on YouTube

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1. Put the options in the correct order.
Pair the phrases with similar meanings from the video's text.
A)I need to let you go
B)This is my kingdom come
C)When the lights fade out

Answer Options:

I must release you
This is my reality
When the end comes
2. Put the options in the correct order.
Connect the descriptive phrases with their metaphorical meaning.
A)Saints we see are all made of gold
B)When the days are cold
C)It's dark inside

Answer Options:

During harsh times
There is hidden sorrow
The virtuous appear perfect
3. Complete the sentence with the suggested words.
fail, cold, fold, gold
1. When the days are ____ ,
2. And the cards all ____
3. And the saints we see are all made of ____
4. When your dreams all ____
4. Choose the correct answer.
What is the central theme of the video as interpreted from the repeated lyrics, 'It's where my demons hide'?
A)The celebration of personal achievements
B)An expression of joy and happiness
C)The struggle with personal inner conflicts
D)The excitement about a future event
E)The anticipation of a grand party
F)The portrayal of a cheerful life story
5. Choose all the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.
What themes are highlighted in the lyrics of the video?
A)The struggle with internal demons
B)The desire to protect someone from those demons
C)The acceptance of one's unchanging nature
D)The influence of fate over personal choices
E)The gleam and glitter of material wealth
F)The celebration of hope and new beginnings
6. Choose all the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.
What themes are present in the lyrics of the video?
A)The struggle with inner demons
B)The inevitability of change
C)The allure of wealth
D)The desire to protect loved ones
E)The acceptance of one's true self
F)The concept of predestined fate
7. Choose the correct answer.
In the video, the phrase 'This is my kingdom come' is repeated multiple times. What thematic significance could this line have in the context of the lyrics?
A)It represents the artist's acceptance of their success and fame.
B)It signifies a literal kingdom that the artist rules over.
C)It is an admission of the artist's desire for power and control.
D)It symbolizes the artist's struggle with inner demons and the inevitability of confronting them.
E)It indicates a celebration of material wealth the artist has accumulated.
F)It refers to the artist's hope for a prosperous future.