Olia Kalashian
Olia Kalashian
255 tests completed


by: Olia Kalashian

English language test. The test consists of a text on the topic "Psychology" and tasks for the text. After reading which the student must answer 8 questions of different formats to check his understanding of the essence of the text. With the help of this test, students will be able to improve their reading, listening and understanding skills in English.

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Are you interested in the behaviour of people and animals? If you are, then you might enjoy the study of psychology. Psychology is the study of behaviour, but this is a very large area of study. There are several different branches of psychology, each of which studies a different aspect of behaviour. Social psychologists study interactions among people. For example, a social psychologist might try to learn about the situations that cause people to behave aggressively. Another question studied by social psychologists is why certain people become attracted to each other. One of the interesting problems in social psychology is conformity: what causes people to behave in the same way, and to follow what others do and say? Cognitive psychologists study thinking, memory, and language. One problem studied by cognitive psychologists is how people remember numbers. For example, what is the best way to memorize some numbers? Is it better to repeat the numbers to oneself, or to try to attach some meaning to these numbers? A cognitive psychologist might also study language. For example, why can young children learn a second language so quickly and easily? Cognitive psychologists are also interested in the ways that people learn to solve problems, such as finding a new place. Clinical psychologists study mental illnesses. For example, a clinical psychologist might try to find out the causes of depression and to figure out ways of helping people who are depressed. Other clinical psychologists might study the behaviour of people who suffer from addiction to drugs, so that this problem can be prevented and treated. Another topic of interest to clinical psychologists is violent behaviour. It is very important to find ways of preventing violence and to change the behaviour of persons who act violently. Some psychologists are interested in the measurement of psychological characteristics. For example, psychologists might develop tests to assess a person’s intelligence, personality traits, or interests. These tests can be used to help people make decisions about education, occupation, and clinical treatment. Psychologists who study the behaviour of animals are called ethologists. Ethologists often go into wilderness areas to watch the activity of birds, fish, or other animals. These psychologists try to figure out why it is that some animals have “instincts” for various behaviours such as parenting, mating, or fighting. Some ethologists have learned very much about the unusual behaviours observed in many animals. These are only a few of the many areas of psychology. Truly, psychology is one of the most interesting areas of knowledge!
1. Complete the sentence with the suggested words.
ethologists, psychologists, methods, innate, cognitive
1. Social ____ study the interactions among people and try to understand the factors that lead to aggression.
2. The study of how individuals remember sequences such as numbers falls under the purview of ____ psychologists.
3. Clinical psychologists aim to uncover the causes of mental illnesses like depression and develop ____ to assist those affected.
4. ____ are known for observing animals in the wild to understand their ____ instincts for behaviors such as parenting.
2. Put the options in the correct order.
Match the branch of psychology with its corresponding focus area.
A)Social psychology
B)Cognitive psychology
D)Clinical psychology

Answer Options:

Behavior of animals
Mental illnesses and addiction
Interactions among people and conformity
Thinking, memory, and language
Measurement of psychological characteristics
3. Choose the correct answer.
What is the primary focus of cognitive psychologists?
A)The treatment of mental illnesses
B)The measurement of psychological characteristics
C)Animal behavior in the wild
D)Thinking, memory, and language
E)Interactions among people
4. Choose the correct answer.
According to the text, what is one of the topics clinical psychologists study?
A)How to memorize numbers effectively
B)Interpersonal attraction and aggression
C)Preventing and treating drug addiction
D)The development of psychometric tests
E)Instinctual behaviors in animals
F)How young children learn a second language
5. Choose the correct answer.
What do ethologists specialize in?
A)The interactions and conformity within social groups
B)Mental processes such as problem-solving and remembering
C)The behavior of animals in natural environments
D)Creating assessments for intelligence and personality
E)Analyzing aggressive behavior in humans
6. Choose all the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.
What topics might a social psychologist be interested in studying?
A)How people remember numbers
B)The way animals show parenting instincts
C)Causes of aggressive behavior in social situations
D)Why certain people are attracted to each other
E)Prevention of violent behavior
7. Choose all the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.
Which of the following are areas of interest for cognitive psychologists?
A)Development of intelligence tests
B)Study of mental illnesses
C)How people remember numbers
D)Language acquisition in young children
E)The behaviors of animals in wilderness areas
F)Problem-solving techniques
8. Choose all the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.
Which of the following aspects of behavior could be studied by clinical psychologists?
A)Interactions among people in social settings
B)The causes and treatment of depression
C)Instinctual behaviors in animals
D)Violent behavior and its prevention
E)Addiction to drugs and its management
F)Language development